Friday, August 8, 2014

What is FanBox All About? 3 New Gauges To Learn How To Earn

In the past year, there have been many innovations that have helped FanBox members succeed at reaching greater heights than they ever have before:
The Building My Network ToolBFO Bar and Network Value Gauges have helped everyone understand the importance of doing things for others, so that they can earn more.
The new marketplace features and earnings role, The Sponsor, has given everyone the ability to sell things in the marketplace without the need to pay for anything upfront.
And the 0-day Power User and 0-day IPL fee features have allowed everyone to accelerate their earnings faster than ever before, while worrying much less about how they will afford it.

Those 3 sets of features on their own have made a tremendous impact in simplifying the earnings process so that our community can thrive and our mission can be accomplished – but to enable opportunity for the masses, we need to make things even simpler.

Earning Is As Simple As 1-2-3
By visiting the Learning Center, you will notice that there is now a series of interactive modules for you to follow that enable you to see why you are earning as much (or as little) as you currently are.
3 New Gauges:Why You're Earning As Much As You Are
Let’s go through each step together, so that you can fully understand what you need to do to maximize your earnings from start to finish.

1. Optimize Your Account
If your account is not optimized for earning, then you are going to have a difficult time of maximizing your earnings from the work that you do.
Because of that, the first step towards maximizing your earnings is to Optimize Your Account.
Simply click the “Optimize Now” button to Optimize Your Account so that your New User Boost is activated and your Power User Earning Accelerator is turned “ON.”
3 New Gauges:Why You're Earning As Much As You Are

2. Maximize Your Network
Once you’re optimized for earning, the next step towards maximizing your earnings is to Maximize Your Network.
3 New Gauges:Why You're Earning As Much As You Are
The larger and more stimulated your network, the more you earn – so let’s focus on exactly what you need to do to accomplish both.

Build a Large Network
The easiest way to increase the size of your network is to become a fan of many people. One way to get started is to visit the Blogger Leaderboard and fan everyone there.
From there, you can bid on, purchase, or share anything that you enjoy in your news feed to build your network even further.
Stimulate Your Network
Once you have built a large network, the next step is to stimulate your network by “getting in the green” with as many people as possible through sharing their best posts and bidding and buying from them.
By doing things for others, you are ensuring your own success, as they will gladly return the favor to you.

3. Monetize Your Network
By establishing a large and stimulated network in step 2, you will have developed an army of supporters willing to do what it takes to help you succeed.
In this final step, you need to work on giving your network the ability to do just that by providing them posts to share and products and services to buy.
3 New Gauges:Why You're Earning As Much As You Are 
Post Frequently
In order to truly monetize your network, you need to give people value as often as possible
To do that, you should focus on posting something every single day.
When you do post, instead of posting many items all at once, you should spread your posts throughout the day. By doing this, more people will see every unique post you create – earning you more for each one.
Post Quality
Posting frequently is important, but it is only half of the battle. You need to make sure that all of your posts are high-quality as well.
The highest quality posts earn more – getting 10 to 100 times more views than average posts - because they get shared again and again.
By focusing on quality, you will ensure that you are maximizing your earnings with each post you make.

3 New Gauges:Why You're Earning As Much As You Are 
Offer Many Items For Sale
A common strategy among top earners is to offer a variety of items for sale.
The more items that you have for sale, the more potential buyers you will have for your listings – which allows you to experience a larger amount of actual sales.
As an original seller, you should make sure to allow your listings to be Sponsored so that you can maximize your earnings from every sale.
Sponsor Many Items
Don’t have a product or service to offer? No problem! Most products and services available in the marketplace can be Sponsored. 
You should always be on the lookout for interesting items for sale, that you can Sponsor (resell).
The more items that you Sponsor, the greater the ability to monetize your network will be.

An important point to notice: 
As you know, the higher your Power Level, the larger the reach that you have when you post, and the more valuable all of your actions towards others are.
For that reason, each of these modules display your performance compared to others in your Power Level.
In that respect, you will notice that your gauges will adjust accordingly every time that you change your Power Level.
To be the top FanBox earner, you will regularly be moving up Power Levels due to your accomplishments, and you can track your progress by clicking on the history buttons inside each of the modules:
3 New Gauges:Why You're Earning As Much As You Are

Earning on FanBox has been simplified. 
To maximize your earnings:
1.  Optimize Your Account 
2.  Maximize Your Network 
3.  Monetize Your Network

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

What is FanBox? View The FanBox Mission

The FanBox Mission
FanBox's Mission is to work together to
            Uplift humanity by enabling opportunity

There are many ways to uplift humanity and, throughout history, many great people have uplifted humanity in their own way:
From Mother Theresa to Cyrus the Great...
.... Mahatma Gandhi to Martin Luther King, Jr...
... history is full of people that used their time on this planet to uplift others.
These people made an impact that lasted far beyond their own lives – permanently lifting humanity to a higher level.
In our case, our approach does not revolve around a single person or celebrity.
Our method is about a group of people – YOU AND I  – coming together to improve the lives of billions of people by enabling opportunity for them – using technology.

But does the world need this?
A few days ago, we discussed the World Bank’s report that was published last month... 
… which in summary, says that 600 million jobs will need to be created in the next 8 years, just for the world to stay at the current (un)employment level. 

Here’s the challenge with that:
Those 600M jobs are not coming.
If anything, the jobs market will shrink, because of technological advances that are requiring less and less people in the factories, farms -- and everywhere.
The result will be mass poverty -- and we can all use our imagination to see where that will take this nuclear-armed and dangerous world.

Our world is headed for big trouble – unless a group of motivated, intelligent and capable people can figure out a solution that they can execute on.
Accomplishing Our Mission is not a “that would be nice” or a "fun hobby" – it’s a MUST DO.  

FanBoxers: This is where we – YOU -- enter the picture.  

If not us, then who?
It took 12 years and U.S. $100 million to build the FanBox platform thus far...
... and that's a very low cost for building something this sophisticated -- because the largest category of expenses (employee payroll) was massively discounted thanks to over one thousand FanBox employees working for no or low pay.
My point is that no investor or bank would invest $100M into something that they wouldn't be able to control and reap the profits from..
... and control + profits belonging to the community is an essential element of the FanBox approach.

Therefore, we FanBoxers find ourselves in a situation that is virtually unheard of, and
we have unparalleled potential to make a positive impact on the world.

For example, Facebook raised almost one billion dollars to fund its development...
.... and in the process, became indebted (and owned) by investors that (rightfully so) aim to maintain control and generate profits for themselves.
FanBox, however, has built this platform without taking even one penny from outside investors.
(the $100M FanBox has spent in its development, has completely come from revenues derived from its technology patents and inventions by its employees)
FanBox, therefore, has maintained the right and ability to give both the control -- and the profits -- to its citizens.
Therefore, if not us, then who?

Thanks to the vision, hard work and patience of our members, Success Coaches, founding mothers and employees...
... we are finding that the solution we have together been working on...
The FanBox Platform
... is turning out to look exactly like the solution that could provide the answers to some of these important challenges that our world is facing.

To reiterate, the reason we’re here – Our Mission – is to work together to
            Uplift humanity by enabling opportunity

Before we move on to MOVING FORWARD: Part 3 - Don't reinvent the wheel, let's continue to warm up our brains and get the dialog going...
What are your thoughts?
View more about what is FanBox all about: